Kevin Parker, better known as Tame Impala, has sold his entire musical catalog, past and future, to Sony.
In 2020, Parker signed a contract giving full control over his future music to the multinational, both as an individual and as Tame Impala. Now, a new contract has been signed to also include all past releases. Parker has stated that his songs “could not be in safer hands than those of Sony” and has been “excited for the future.”
Although the details of the agreement are not known, Parker has also clarified that his work “is the fruit of my blood, sweat and creativity over all these years” and that he does not take the fact of giving up his rights “lightly.”
In addition to the four studio albums signed by Tame Impala, Kevin Parker's career also includes credits as a composer for artists such as Rihanna, Travis Scott, Mick Jagger, Gorillaz, Kendrick Lamar and The Weeknd, which will also be owned by Sony.