The otitis They shouldn’t be part of the Christmas holidays. However, it is a pathology that occurs more frequently in winter and can ruin these last days of the year. We talk about the otitis media-acute or media-chronic, which can last up to two weeks and whose origin is usually viral infections that occur with cold and low temperatures. We explain how to treat and avoid them.
In the case of the acute otitis mediahe first symptom is sharp and intense painwhich can be accompanied by the stuffy feeling and that we hear less about. When this occurs, and if the pain does not subside in one or two days, you have to go to the specialist. Otitis media usually requires a specific treatment in adultswith the use of antibiotics.
In the case of the childrenApart from pain, another main symptom of acute otitis media is the presence of exudate or fluid in the middle ear. And about the treatment, antibiotics are not usually prescribed unless the child is less than six months old. Most doctors usually recommend analgesia if the infection is not accompanied by high fever.
When the presence of fluid lasts more than 3 months, it is called chronic otitis media. In these cases, the solution to the problem, both in adults and children, usually involves surgery.
Prevention, the best treatment
To prevent otitis from spoiling Christmas, the best advice is to prevent its appearance. To start, you have to avoid sudden changes in temperature and prolonged stay in the aisles of stores and supermarkets where refrigerated and frozen foods are displayed. Along these lines, it is also convenient ventilate the house wellespecially the rooms where we spend the most hours, such as bedrooms or the living room.
Hygiene is also key to prevent ear problems. In this sense, it is recommended to use seawater diffusers. And, of course, you have to rule out the use of cotton swabs or other objects.
Another warning: the practice of swimming in heated and covered pools advises also preventing the appearance of external otitis, just as annoying as the one that appears with colds but has a different treatment. To avoid it, the best advice is still dry your ears well after bathing and use auditive protectors while we are in the water.