More than nine thousand people have heard again in Spain alone thanks to a cochlear implant. A device that has changed their lives, that has added sound and color and that has allowed them to say loud and clear: we hear. And precisely this expression is what gives its name to the new magazine of UMusic, prepared by and for hearing implant users. The users’ own experience will be one of the axes of this new publication.
we hear It will be published every four months and was created with the aim of offering information on all relevant aspects of the sector. One of the differentiating values of the new magazine is that it has an Editorial Committee made up of implanted users, hearing care professionals and medical specialists, who know first-hand the information needs of this group. In this way, the choice and focus of the content is based on a clear premise: it adapts to the interests and expectations of its readers.
With this new publication, whose first issue was presented this Friday and which that’s it Available on the company’s website, UMusic aims to reinforce its commitment to its implemented users and adapt to the real needs and concerns of this group. Besides we hear aspires to become a real channel of communication between people with cochlear implants, so that they can share their experiences and stay informed about the latest advances and news in the sector. as well as the most cutting-edge treatments and the most effective hearing rehabilitation.
We hear takes over the magazine Advance Coclear, which UMusic launched thirteen years ago. The main difference is that the new publication is a step further, with a more critical spirit that adapts to the needs of the implanted users and their closest environment. In this sense, we hear wants to represent the world of people with specific hearing needs from a plural, innovative, constructive and professional perspective.