Eight years after The Steaks is born SVSTOthe solo project of which she was one of its two components, Carla Parmenter. It is a darker and more political proposal of which the first issues are already being made known.
After presenting the first single from his new project “MIL€” two months ago, a catchy song about the housing crisis, “En la pista” was subsequently presented, a hilarious and intelligent review that explains the spaces we share in the disco with villainous irony. In the video clip, Carla – that is, SVSTO – appears accompanied by icons of the night queer Barcelona like Marina or Ken Pollet to claim their spaces.
The first feature from SVSTO – in which Carla Parmenter works with the producer Alejandro Da Rocha–, which is expected for next spring, already has its first presentation dates confirmed. They will be on April 25 in Barcelona (Apolo) and on April 26 in Madrid (Changó). The Barcelona concert is part of the Curtcircuit cycle.
Tickets for both performances are available at this same link.