The Siberian post-punk band Ploho will visit our country to give concerts in Madrid and Barcelona. Of course, we will have to wait until January of next year.
The post-punk band Ploho has become a household name for European post-punk fans and his approach has even crossed seas until his album “Where The Birds Fly Away To Die” (Куда птицы улетают умирать) was included in the top 25 of the year by American radio station This international recognition was an important boost for the band, putting their music on the radar of a wider audience.
As a result, the group that is part of the “new wave of Russian music” will be able to visit our country to present their dark proposal to the Spanish public. They will do so to review their career and perform their main hits. We will be able to see them in Madrid (Friday 24 January, Moby Dick) and Barcelona (Saturday 25 January, Sala Wolf). Tickets are available at this link.
They will be accompanied by the Portuguese IAMTHESHADOW, one of the most outstanding post-punk bands in our neighboring country. They will be presenting “To End What Never Began”.