The project formed by two former members of Skakeitan, Mars Lasarteis presented in quartet format in its second single.
Two months ago Marte Lasarte presented himself as a “duo of musicians” with “Basamortua”. Now comes a self-titled single with which we are introduced to two new members who join the couple formed by Pello Armendariz and Borja Anton: Alex Alonso (drums), who has performed with groups such as La Oreja de Van Gogh, Skakeitan, ETS, Tierra Santa… and Lore Nekane Billelabeitia (bass), known for her career in the group Belako.
In the song “Marte Lasarte”, as narrator, the main character wakes up on a rainy and gray day at a friend's house, he gives us a description of the neighborhood and city in which he grew up little by little. Related to his musical career and philosophy, the words take us to the context in which Marte Lasarte emerged: gentrification, displacement, project changes, creative process, vindication of art and all in a song full of references. The music, for its part, gives us an explosive song with a nostalgic melody with rawness and an enveloping atmosphere.
For this, several friends who got together on the previous song collaborated: Jon Badi (NorthWaves Sound), getting involved in the production with Pello and Borja; Haritz Harreguy, in recording and mixing; and Victor Garciaa, in mastering.
Muga (Aitor Aranguren and Eric Suso) They have once again taken charge of the recording and photography of the clip. Together with them they have collaborated Jabier Rodríguez, Ander Perez de Arenaza and Maialen Arocengiving life to the illustrations that appear throughout the clip. The band will take the vocals in some specific areas of Donostia to somehow relive what happens in the song.