La La Love You has starred in the event dedicated to Madrid at FITUR 2024. The group was in charge of closing the event by singing up to three songs. The most popular of them, ‘El Fin del Mundo’ in collaboration with Olaya from Axolotes Mexicanos, had Alberto Núñez Feijoó and Isabel Díaz Ayuso singing.
The video quickly went viral on social networks, with criticism of the group for participating in the event. “One more day: the indie being the indie…”, he wrote La Jeteé On twitter. «I don’t know if they knew when they were hired for “one thing” in the community of Madrid, that the PP staff would be in the front row applauding in such an arrhythmic way. I hope they say something,” another user commented.
«It was not a political act, they called us for a presentation at Fitur. In the audience there turned out to be members of different political parties, from Rita Maestre to Reyes Maroto or Isabel Ayuso,” wrote La La Love You in a Tweet which was not long in coming.
Still, there was who He was not satisfied: “Nano, if you don’t understand what’s political about playing for all that group in Fitur, you’re completely lost in life…” “You will be very worthy and everything you want, but to point out some musicians who are doing their job because they have been hired by the Madrid city council or the CAM is to be a miserable person,” responded another user.
And you dancing, dancing
And your grandfather clapping, clapping🎶
Managing, managing— Isabel Díaz Ayuso, President cuqui fake ⚪ (@Idiazaquso) January 28, 2024