The RAE has incorporated more than four thousand new terms into the Dictionary of the Spanish Language and a good part of them are linked to music and culture. But we cannot help but point out that they have added the word “indie”.
The Royal Spanish Academy has updated the Dictionary of the Spanish Language and has presented an expansion with 4,074 new terms and expressions, most of them linked to music and contemporary culture.
One of those more than four thousand terms is the word “Indie”, which represents an important pillar in the artistic world. “Indie” is used to describe musical productions developed outside of large commercial studios. They also refer to a unique cultural style that encompasses the artistic and the aesthetic.
The RAEA defines indie exactly as “Generally said of cinema or music: Independent, produced outside of studios and companies and distributed outside the usual circuits. Belonging to or relating to indie culture, Indie Style.” As for synonyms or related words, it only includes “independent.”
And in this update, music plays the leading role. Different terms have been incorporated such as funk, “rapping” and many others. The RAE not only updates the dictionary, but also opens space for a more inclusive lexicon, reflecting the impact of culture and music on the language.
You can find the definition in this same link.