Daga Voladora is the project of Cristina Plaza, whom you probably know for being one of the halves of the Clovis along with Fino Oyonarte (former member of Los Enemigos), for her participation in Los Eterno or for her latest alias Gran Aparato Eléctrico .
Under the alias of Daga Voladora, Plaza -based in Madrid- has placed the sound of her first releases between the lo-fi of the first Beach House and the total freedom to explore other aesthetics linked to both the naïve ('Bengala') and to the eighties disco ('Between the Shadows'). Her voice, personal in its dryness, brings a different layer to the compositions.
After publishing these two self-published works in 2016, 'Chiu-Chium' (on the American OSR Tapes) and 'Primer Segundo' (Gramaciones Grabofónicas), and then a handful of singles, Daga Voladora prepares the launch of its third full-length , 'The springs'.
Two previews have already been extracted from this work, which was published on May 17. On the one hand, 'Quise ser' is the most influenced by Broadcast in the sound aspect, since its production wanders between dream-pop and the machines of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop. However, the melody is timeless like that of a Spanish pop song from the sixties and seventies.
And, these days, 'Diamante', the second preview of 'Los manantiales', has been released. In this more cheerful and uptempo cut, the synthesizers still explore experimental textures, but the guitar and melody find a middle point between the universes of Elefant and Austro-Hungarian. It is a song that “could be an ode to Syd Barret or the squid sandwich” but, in reality, “speaks nothing more than wasted potential.” There seems to be plenty of potential in 'Los manantiales'.