Fermin Muguruza will celebrate his four decades of experience with a very special event. The concert will take place on December 20 at the Bilbao Arena and will be remembered from his work in Kortatu and Negu Gorriak to his solo releases.
· Sarrerak datorren asteartean, apirilaren 23an, jarriko dira salei, 10:00etatik aurrera, www.muguruzafm.eus webgunean.
The Gipuzkoan musician Fermin Muguruza announced on the same day as his birthday (April 20) that he will be back on a big stage very soon. It will be on December 20, 2024 at the Bilbao Arena and not in just any concert: under the title “FM Muguruza. 1984-2024”will remember his entire career with a journey from the beginnings of Kortatu and Negu Gorriak to his most recent solo works.
This 40th anniversary of the Irununda musician comes at a special moment for him, after the latest controversies: “I want this concert to be a party against censorship and the attacks from the extreme right that we are suffering lately. There are the cases of the director and five teachers from the board of directors of a school in Valencia who have been accused of painting a mural that pays tribute to my creative career, the attacks on Itziar Ituño or the Athletic players for singing 'Sarri, Sarri'.”
“I want to say it very clearly and loudly: if you don't like 'Sarri, Sarri', on December 20 you will have thousands of throats showing that in this country we know how to move beyond censorship,” says Muguruza, who claims that it will be a night full of historical songs.
Tickets will go on sale next Tuesday, April 23, starting at 10:00 a.m., on the artist's website.