Ernest Urtasun has been confirmed as the new Minister of Culture, as has been rumored in recent days. Sumar’s spokesperson collects a portfolio that until now was socialist and was specifically in the hands of Miquel Iceta. Born in Barcelona, Urtasun was elected member of the European Parliament on the Plural Left list. He has been an MEP for Catalunya en Comú and in recent weeks, a key spokesperson for Sumar. He is an economist, and his connection with the world of culture is not so well known, but a look at his Instagram leaves more than one surprise.
Ernest not only follows leading figures in music such as Rosalía, Kiko Veneno or Alizzz, but he also seems very well informed about the more and less visible Spanish underground, and more and less young. He appears on the list of artists who interest him most to people like Jimena Amarillo, Kora, Maria Arnal, Sen Senra or Queralt Lahoz. On an international level, we don’t find that many names, but among his favorites is none other than the exquisite Kara Jackson.
Pedro Sánchez was sworn in as Prime Minister last Thursday with 179 deputies in favor and 171 against. He was supported in addition to PSOE and Sumar, who will form a new coalition government, ERC, Junts, PNV, Bildu, BNG and even the Canarian Coalition, which 4 years ago turned its back on him at the last moment.
An even worse electoral hangover has followed a campaign marked anecdotally by nods to pop culture, especially by the tension of “let Txapote vote for you.” Especially in the last two weeks, when there have been demonstrations called by the PP against the Amnesty for those responsible for the “procés”, supported by hundreds of thousands of people; and also the so-called “CayeBorroka” at the doors of the Madrid headquarters of the PSOE, on Ferraz street, for 15 consecutive nights, supported by a few thousand.
Among the challenges of Urtasun, a legislature in which freedom of expression will once again be discussed in the communities governed by PP and VOX, and also the Statute of the Artist. A problem lingering from the previous legislature, which left the sector dissatisfied.