Vibra Mahou’s Madrid Stages series returns this November with a varied offering of concerts spread across different venues in the capital. Among them are Emilia, Pardo y Bazán and Detergente Líquido, who share the bill in a double concert that will take place this Saturday, November 16 at Café La Palma, starting at 9 p.m.
Emilia, Pardo y Bazán is the group from Talavera de la Reina author of ‘Madriz Central’. Behind her name, a tribute to the famous writer, hide Sergio (vocalist), Pepe (guitar and keyboards), Paula (voice and bass) and Ada (percussion and backing vocals). Their first album, ‘El mal de layoung’, was released in 2021, including the aforementioned single.
Emilia, Pardo and Bazán have taken a leap into power-pop this year in ‘Eljuegos’, their second album, released in April. Pay attention to great songs like ‘Nube Kinton’ or the title track, and also to the tropical influence of ‘Worry Tomorrow’.
Detergente Líquido, for its part, is the indie-pop group from Cádiz that dazzled us a few years ago with singles like ‘Perraguarra’ or ‘Grimas y meriendas’. The group, author of four albums, tried to represent Spain in Eurovision in 2016 but, although they did not succeed, they continued releasing cool songs like ‘Corre, Kosecki’ or ‘Reflexiones por la highway’.
Lately, Detergente Líquido, a group made up of Lucía (vocals), Ernie (drums), Antonio (bass) and Alberto (guitar and vocals) has released the single ‘Trambahía’.