In the new UMusic video series, titled Hearing well changes lifethe protagonist, Gabriel, has assumed that he has a hearing problem that is also affecting his quality of life and his relationship with his family. That is why you decide to go to a specialist who will tell you what is happening and provide you with the best solution. A decision that will change your life.
After verifying that there are times when he does not understand what his doctor and his grandson are telling him, that he does not hear his family’s conversations during a meal or that he needs to turn up the volume of the television a lot, Gabriel reflects while watering his garden in the fourth chapter of the series. He is aware that he has a problem that affects his life. He can’t go on like this, he thinks. And he decides, together with his wife and son, to attend a UMusic hearing center.
The decision to correct the hearing loss he suffers has been made and he also has the strong support of his family. So Gabriel, accompanied by his son, visits a UMusic center in the last chapter of the series. Once at the center, a hearing care professional informs you about the entire process, which begins with a free first visit that includes an audiometry, a simple test to check for hearing loss. And if there is, as is the case with Gabriel, the best hearing solution is recommended. Because at UMusic we are clear that hearing well changes your life.