The San Sebastian group Comic Sans returns with a new single titled “Revenge of the Sith.” With it they move to the dark side of the force, without abandoning its usual style and sound.
“We were happy and we didn't know it” (23) has led to Comic Sans to tour throughout the country during this last year. During this stage, the members have experienced firsthand the demands of musical notoriety and what it is like to be away from home for months touring, growing little by little, but gaining followers who have connected with their proposal.
A period in which the band has been able to feel the dark side of music in which they use it as a metaphor for “Revenge of the Sith.” In this new single the band maintains the guidelines of their usual midwest emo and what good times it has given us.
“Revenge of the Siths” has opened a new musical stage for the band, about which we will discover more information soon. What we are sure of is that they will continue to fuel the post-adolescent urgency and the emo spirit.