One of the most talked about albums this fall in the music industry is the debut of singer Ángeles Toledano, ‘Sangre sucia’. The artist from Villanueva de la Reina (Jaén) has been making noise on the internet for years, even achieving millions of views on YouTube with these Bulerías.
This year Universal has decided to launch it in a big way, with ‘ARAORA’ -practically a capella- or the joys of ‘X LAS NIÑAS’. The story of women that we saw in this video continues in ‘MOM, YOU WERE RIGHT’, which we selected as Song of the Day today.
If in the video for ‘X LAS NIÑAS’ we saw women taking to the streets, subduing a security agent and Ángeles Toledano carrying a very Beyoncé baseball bat, this one shows the artist tied up and about to be burned. It looks like the prequel.
The witch hunt, which throughout history has represented only the worst of misogyny, is the inspiration for this simple but iconic and excellently made video that has been directed by Ismael de la Trinidad and produced by Little Spain (C . Tangana).
Toledano is accompanied in this song by the voices of five women from Jerez, representing the experience that has been transmitted from grandmother to mother, and from mother to daughter. As the writer Sara Torres explained in the press release, the initial feminine lament gives rise to the political statement. The objective is “to review the loving affection inscribed in the patriarchal order.” The text of the song says that “we only have to shout where there is a deaf mind, it is very difficult to hear.” However, the video, perhaps encouraged by Harto Rodríguez’s groundbreaking production, very ‘El mal quer’, contemplates victory.
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