The Catalan photographer Francesc Fabregas publishes his book “Bruce Springsteen. Barcelona 1981”compiling images he captured of the singer at his historic concert in Barcelona.
Francesc Fàbregas publishes through the Milenio publishing house “Bruce Springsteen. Barcelona 1981”a book that collects the first concert that the American singer-songwriter Bruce Springsteen gave in Spain. Fàbregas was hired by the record company C.B.S. to immortalize that historic performance of The Boss with the E. Street Band in Barcelona.
This new book includes almost a hundred images, some unpublished, and also of various performances by the singer over the years in Barcelona. “Bruce Springsteen. Barcelona 1981” It is at the same time a document that collects testimonies from the attendees of that night, to finish capturing the magic of that show. As Francesc Fàbregas himself states in his book: “I had the privilege of being the official photographer of that concert. I must say that that night my legs were shaking. I imagine that the responsibility of carrying out that assignment in the best possible way generated a certain pressure on me. It was brutal to be able to witness, for more than three hours, the total complicity between the public and the artist.”
The photographs that appear in the books were taken with an analog camera without a motor and whose maximum number of photographs is 36; which means he had to carry two cameras, one color and one black and white. Another curiosity that surrounds this book is that the photographer could not access the pit and had to take them from the sides of the room. You can get your copy of “Bruce Springsteen. Barcelona 1981” in this link or attend the first presentation of the book that will take place in Barcelona next June 6th at the Wonder Photo Shop (C/Gran de Gràcia, 1).