What is the difference between objective and subjective tinnitus?

Hearing health

What is the difference between objective and subjective tinnitus?

The tinnitus are an ear pathology that is characterized by annoying and continuous ringing in the ear. It is a ear disease that can condition the quality of life of those who suffer from it. Most affected people experience subjective tinnitus, although objectives also exist. In the following post we explain the difference between objective and subjective tinnitus.

The objective tinnitus are those in which the affected person hears a rhythmic noise inside the ear through a physical or organic cause, that is, it has a verifiable original source. In most cases these perceived sounds are one’s own heartbeat either the breathing. Sometimes they can be muscle contractions own, of the jaw for example.

Detect and treat objective tinnitus

Objective tinnitus only represents 5% of the total diagnosed cases. To detect it, a clinical examination and complementary audiological tests are usually used (audiometry and impedancemetry). Although it is the otorhinolaryngologist who makes the diagnosis, due to its own origin (vascular and, sometimes, tumor), the objective tinnitus treatment It is usually referred to the corresponding specialist.

Detect and treat subjective tinnitus

Subjective tinnitus, which accounts for 95% of diagnosed cases, is what is heard only by the patient themselves. That is, in this case there is no organic cause or real physical sound that causes them. He doctor john Royo, online community specialist Living the Soundpoints out that when it comes to subjective tinnitus “the ENT doctor can only assess it through a subjective test called acuphenometryin which the patient describes the frequency and intensity of his tinnitus by comparing it with the sound emitted by an audiometer”.

Subjective tinnitus, apart from annoying ringing in the ears, can be accompanied, if it has been triggered by a overexposure to loud noiseof Hearing loss.

Treatment of subjective tinnitus

Once diagnosed, the specialist will be the one who determines the best tinnitus treatment. It is important to keep in mind that, at the moment, there is no cure for this hearing disorder. However, its symptoms can be largely neutralized. In this sense, specialists usually recommend the use of techniques that help those affected to get used to those ringing in your ear. The goal is always to calm the effects caused by annoying ringing in the ear. The Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT) is the one that offers the best results, with a 85% success rate.

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Simon Müller

Simon Müller is the driving force behind UMusic, embodying a lifelong passion for all things melodious. Born and raised in New York, his love for music took form at an early age and fueled his journey from an avid music enthusiast to the founder of a leading music-centered website. Simon's diverse musical tastes and intrinsic understanding of acoustic elements offer a unique perspective to the UMusic community. Sporting a dedicated commitment to aural enrichment and hearing health, his vision extends beyond just delivering news - he aspires to create a network of informed, appreciative music lovers. Spend a moment in Mueller's company, and you'd find his passion infectious – music isn’t simply his job, it’s his heartbeat.