The Catalans Serpent They always have something to say. And their new single, “Mort al rock català” is no exception. It is a vindication of their roots, but facing what is institutionalized.
It may seem like a joke or it may seem contradictory, but Serpent speak clearly and have clear ideas when signing a song like “Mort al rock català”.
The quartet sings against the culture that is not only accepted, but totally promoted by institutions – in this case, Catalan ones. They do this because they are aware that there are many artists and groups that prefer to be harmless and supported by institutional culture than to create their own path. And they have a lot to say about that.
They are up against all those groups that only want to have repercussions within Catalonia to enter the circuit of venues and squeeze it to the maximum, who do not believe enough in their proposal to take it outside Catalonia, who ask for fees that are not in line with their power to attract people and who therefore add countless performances in town halls and major festivals for which no entrance fee is charged. But they do not only attack them, but also the intermediaries, the area agents and the commissions of these subsidized festivals that end up turning any scene into something harmless and, over the years, “shabby”.
In their statement they end like this: “We are feeding nothingness. We have let others decide for us what we have to listen to and, as if that were not enough, in many cases they have sold it to us as the soundtrack of a certain political militancy. But the most predictable, the most assimilated, the one that does not bite or bother anyone. And it disgusts us to see how people swallow it. That is precisely why we have made this song.”
The video clip is the work of Joan Rubiralta and Adrià Bertranwith mounting of Adrià and Sergi Bertrandsinger and guitarist of the group.