Live music lands again The 2 with the broadcast this Friday, May 31 at 11:00 p.m. concert hours Pet Shop Boys.
The public channel will broadcast the live concert of the British band in the O Son Do Camiño Festival in Santiago de Compostelahand in hand with Angel Carmona. In addition to this event, Tow will also occupy the screen The 2 today in “The mathematics of the mirror”; and Rafaelprotagonist on Friday “Essentials” and “Attention works”.
So, The 2 will dedicate its prime time on Friday, May 31, to live music, thus opening a great window to make visible music festivals that take place in all corners of Spain. On this occasion, he travels to the outskirts of Santiago de Compostela, to Monte do Gozoto attend the fifth edition of the festival live Son Do Camiñowhich this year has highly prestigious and internationally successful groups on its line-up such as Pet Shop Boys.
The British duo is the star of the concert with which they will open their European tour, on Friday the 31st, and in which they will be able to hear the songs from their new album, “Nonetheless”. It is the first time that free-to-air television offers live Spain a concert by this international band. Angel Carmona will be in charge of the broadcast, which can only be enjoyed starting at 11:00 p.m. on La 2.
Also, on Friday Rafael will have a double focus on The 2: in the afternoon, you will visit Cayetana Guillén Cuervo in “Attention Works”; and, before the concert Pet Shop Boys, The 2 will recover “Raphael, from Russia with love”, “Essentials” dedicated to one of the most outstanding performers in our country who has completed sixty years in music.
Furthermore, today, at 10:00 will be time to get to know in depth one of the most famous duos of Spanish music in our country: Tow. Brothers Munoz they will talk with Carlos of Love in “The mathematics of the mirror” about his twenty-five years of career on stage.