The proportion illustrates the high incidence of vertigo: one in three Spaniards has experienced them or will experience them in the future. In fact, 5% of visits to GPs are due to that feeling that everything is spinning and moving around you. What many people do not know is that the origin of these vertigo comes from ear, central piece that controls our balance. Conditions such as otitis wave otosclerosis They can, at some point in their evolution, cause this unpleasant sensation. But vertigo is also the main symptom of other diseases of the middle ear.
The three main pathologies of the inner ear that manifest themselves through this sensation of loss of balance are Paroxysmal Vertigo Beingnothe Meniere’s disease and the Vestibular Neuronitis.
- Benign Paroxysmal Vertigo.
It is the most common cause of vertigo and is caused by a change in position. They do not usually last long and almost always disappear when changing position. - Ménière’s disease.
It is a chronic pathology of the inner ear caused by an excess of endolymph, fluid that fills the cavities of the inner ear. It usually appears between the ages of 30 and 50 and manifests itself with three possible symptoms: hearing loss either hearing loss, tinnitus -ringing in the ear- and recurrent vertigowith a sensation of continuous spinning, nausea and vomiting. - Vestibular neuronitis.
In this case we are talking about an intense and sudden crisis of so-called ‘rotary vertigo’, which is caused by a sudden dysfunction of the functions of the posterior labyrinth of the middle ear. Although its origin is unknown, the most accepted theory is that it is triggered by a viral infection.
Once the symptoms and main diseases that cause them have been described, the next question is logical: can vertigo be prevented? The specialists of UMusic They share four tips with us:
- Avoid the appearance of otitis or earwax plugs, always keeping ears clean and dry in summer and protecting them from the cold in winter.
- Submit to hearing checks periodic.
- bet on one healthy food and avoid tobacco and the coffee.
- Keep a good body postureavoiding lowering the head below the shoulders, craning the neck upwards or making sudden turns.
Do you suffer or have you ever suffered from vertigo? Was this information useful? Tell us your experience in a comment!