Pedro Sánchez, President of the Government, announced this Monday his decision to continue in office, and he did so with the intention of “regenerating democracy” and combating the culture of hoaxes and misinformation that has been poisoning communication and information for some time. political life. Without going any further, today, Tuesday, the mayor of Madrid, José Luis Martínez-Almeida, happily spread a hoax during a rally about an alleged vacation from Sánchez to Doñana, despite the fact that, this very morning, Sánchez was interviewed on CadenaSer .
The network of hoaxes also affects journalists and cultural representatives, as Sánchez declared on Monday night in an interview on RTVE. An example just starred Viva Sweden. Juan Fernández-Miranda, ABC journalist, has stated in .
Viva Sweden has denied having visited Moncloa only once. It is likely that Fernández-Miranda confused Viva Sweden with Supersubmarina, a group that was invited to Moncloa last September to spend some time chatting with Sánchez, a renowned music lover. Another musician who met with Sánchez in Moncloa was J from Los Planetas.
Coke Malla against “angry people”
Pedro Sánchez's desire to end toxicity in politics has been celebrated by another musician, Coque Malla, who, after Sánchez's words, shared a portrait of the president accompanied by the word “BRAVO.” However, the negative reaction from Malla's followers has led the author of 'I can't live without you' to post a text explaining that his position does not have so much to do with ideological affinity but with a desire shared with Sánchez to “try to recover the civilized tone in parliament and political life”, in contrast to the packs that are unleashed in networks.
Defending himself against the “angry people” who have reacted to his publication by calling him nothing short of a traitor, Coque Malla said: “I'm not talking about agreeing or not agreeing with Sánchez, with the PSOE, and much less with me, but about civility, education, balance and debate. Phrases like: “You've disappointed me, Coque!”, “What a shame, I'm tearing up the tickets for your concert!”, or “I stopped following you!” (not to mention the insults, which are not worth talking about) sound so ridiculous in the mouths of supposedly adult people, with minimal culture and education, and who live in a democracy, that it is difficult to believe them in the first place and digest them later,” he wrote.
Although Malla assures that he is not a fan of either Sánchez or the PSOE, as “neither of PODEMOS, IU, PP, VOX, CIUDADANOS”, because “I am not a fan of anything that has to do with something so boring, gray and lacking in authenticity.” emotion such as politics and politicians”, although he confirms that every four years “he votes for left-wing parties without much enthusiasm”, the musician celebrates that “a president seriously attracts attention and at the same time does so in a polite and perfectly correct way , about the absolute and aberrant loss of ethics, sportsmanship, elegance and fair play in the parliamentary and journalistic scene.