First came several remixes of Delaportenow it comes “Love songs”the new epé Sandra Delaporte as ALEXXANDRA.
Sandra Delaporte already had us well informed about her interest in the most robust side of electronics, the hardest, most industrial and most intense. But she had to go beyond Delaporte to be able to let herself go in total freedom. And so it has been.
After remixing some Delaporte songs, Sandra publishes “Love songs”a new four-track epé under her name ALEXXANDRA and which will be presenting today, Saturday, June 22 at the Madrid festival A Summer Story.
But let’s let her explain it to us in her own words: “Naturally, because I was having a lot of fun, I started producing and composing techno songs non-stop. When I started I didn’t have much idea why, I did it just because. And I think that when you do things just because, because they come from deep within you and arise from enthusiasm, that’s when you really do them with love. Parallel to the songs that I was composing and producing for Delaporte, I felt this need and they came out on their own. This EP is the result of all those productions and experiments that I started doing and since I made them with a lot of love, I decided to call it. ‘Love songs’”.