The rapper and singer Mala Rodriguez is celebrating twice. On the one hand, in a few months it will be twenty-five years since its excellent debut “Iberian luxury” and, on the other hand, this month she begins a tour that will take her through a good part of Latin America, with some Spanish dates also confirmed.
We still don’t know what surprises he has in store for us to celebrate the two and a half decades that have passed since he surprised us with the resounding “Iberian luxury”what we do know is that the Andalusian artist is still in full swing when it comes to live performances. Now, practically at the end of this month, she will jump to the other side of the Atlantic to present the songs from her recent album “A strange world”published last May,
This “A strange world tour” will pass by Sao Paulo (27 August, Brazil), Mar del Plata (30 August, Argentina), Quilmes (31 August, Argentina), Montevideo (3 September, Uruguay), Quilpue (4 September, Chile), Montt (7 September, Chile), Santiago (8 September, Chile), Caracas (12 September, Venezuela), Panama City (13 September, Panama) and Bogotá (14 September, Colombia).
Although there are also some Spanish dates such as those of Ripollet (24 August), Gran Canaria (21 September), Cáceres (27 September) and Alicante (10 October)Tickets for all concerts are available at