It’s not every day that you unwittingly cooperate with the Slovak police. This happened to Macklemore at one of his last concerts, when he brought a fan on stage who was wanted by the authorities.
The rapper was performing at the Lovestream festival in Bratislava. At one point, he pulled a fan up on stage, unaware that she was wanted by the police. Apparently, after the show, the woman was “bragging” about what had happened on social media. Naturally, this caught the attention of the police.
The Slovak police force posted a post on Facebook explaining the situation: “The woman immortalised the experience and bragged about it on social media, which did not escape the attention of a citizen, who also followed the website of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Slovakia. He recognised the woman and realised that he had seen her on the aforementioned website, and informed the police immediately,” it reads.
According to the publication, “the woman was escorted” to the police station and arrested. According to Plus 7, a Slovakian media outlet, the woman was linked to an unpaid fine of 800 euros resulting from an incident that occurred in 2019.