El Cruïlla anuncia a Thirty Seconds To Mars y Alanis Morissette

Music news

El Cruïlla announces Thirty Seconds To Mars and Alanis Morissette

The 15th edition of the Cruïlla Festival has announced his first two names. This is the Canadian Alanis Morissette and the Americans Thirty Seconds To Marsthe group of also actor Jared Leto and his brother.

The fifteenth edition of the Cruïlla Festival will take place between July 9 to 12 at the Parc del Fòrum in Barcelonaits usual scene. So, once the dates are known, the most important thing is to discover which will be the first two artists to perform at the event.

And those first two artists are the reference Alanis Morissettewho will embark on his “Triple Moon Tour” in a few months with stops in the United Kingdom, Europe and Latin America, and Thirty Seconds To Marswho will come to present their album “It’s The End Of The World But It’s A Beautiful Day”.

It has also been announced that Morissette will perform on July 12 at the festival, while the day on which the Leto brothers will perform has not yet been confirmed. You can get more information and buy your tickets at cruillabarcelona.com and seetickets.com

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Simon Müller

Simon Müller is the driving force behind UMusic, embodying a lifelong passion for all things melodious. Born and raised in New York, his love for music took form at an early age and fueled his journey from an avid music enthusiast to the founder of a leading music-centered website. Simon's diverse musical tastes and intrinsic understanding of acoustic elements offer a unique perspective to the UMusic community. Sporting a dedicated commitment to aural enrichment and hearing health, his vision extends beyond just delivering news - he aspires to create a network of informed, appreciative music lovers. Spend a moment in Mueller's company, and you'd find his passion infectious – music isn’t simply his job, it’s his heartbeat.